Falling For You

I was in the card store and an older woman next to me was looking in the “Get Well” Section.  She uttered…”all my friends are falling”.  This is not uncommon for older adults. Here are some tips that everyone should take into consideration to avoid Falls.

May is National Aging Life Care Month!

NAPGCM/Aging Life Care Association™ is excited to announce their fourth annual national campaign to promote Aging Life Care™/geriatric care management during the month of May. They encourage you to participate in this important event.

The movie “Still Alice”

Please see the following link for information on the movie "Still Alice" that deals with the challenges faced by someone diagnosed with Early On-set Dementiahttps://twitter.com/StillAlice/status/569722830646071296?s=04&fb_ref=Default&fb_source=message.

Senior Expo and Flu Shot Clinic

The Birmingham Area Seniors Coordinating Council and Center is once again offering a Senior Expo and Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.  Please see below for more information and to reserve a table.

15th Annual Solutions for Family Caregiver Expo

The Area Agency on Aging 1-B (AAA 1-B) is hosting its 15th Annual Solutions for Family Caregiver Expo to provide caregivers with valuable information, answers, and links to community resources and services in an effort to provide family caregivers with relief from their daily responsibilities and support to help them continue their important role.