Why Treating Breast Cancer With Less May Be More

Women with breast cancer face many treatment decisions on the path to survivorship. One question has been: Can they have fewer doses of radiation and still keep their risks for recurrence low?

Ashish A. Deshmukh, University of Florida and Anna Likhacheva, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Women with breast cancer have long faced complicated choices about the best course of treatment.

How Man’s Best Friend is Helping Cancer Treatment

The author, center, and Dr. Anna Conti, left, and student Kelsey Parrish with Conti’s Basset hound, Picasso, who had surgery for cancer. Via Colorado State University.
William Cotton/CSU Photography, Author provided

Nicole Ehrhart, Colorado State University

“A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours.

How to Find a Geriatric Care Manager

If you have an elderly loved one who needs to transition from living alone to being in an independent living facility or maybe even living in a nursing home, you know the endless worry that accompanies making that important decision.

Which place will be the right fit for mom or dad? What kind of care will they need going forward? And can they — or you — afford it?

That’s where a geriatric care manager can help

Care for the seniors in your life is such an important topic.

Being a Friend to Someone with Dementia

Friendship helps protect against loneliness even when oldsters do not have dementia. It can be especially beneficial for those who do.
Janelle Taylor, University of Washington

Each year, in the final few hours of the last day of December, many people all across North America gather with friends to raise a glass and sing Robert Burns’ famous ballad, “Auld Lang Syne.

Home Safety and Modifications for Aging at Home

Do you have an elderly loved one that wants to stay home in their later years? You probably think its impossible for them to stay home and be safe. But home modifications are easier than ever and more elderly people are able to stay home as opposed to other living situations such as assisted living, or a nursing home.

Yoga for Seniors: Restoring Flexibility and Strength


Most people believe yoga is something young flexible people do but they are wrong. Yoga has so many benefits for everyone ranging in age from toddler to seniors. Yoga for seniors can reduce symptoms and pain; it can improve overall wellness for someone with a serious or chronic illnesses.

Healthy eating starts with you!

It is helpful to give your body a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle as you as age. As you age your metabolism begins to slow down, so you need fewer calories than before. But that also means that your body needs nutrients that are going to give you the best nutritional value.

The Basics of Hoarding and What You Can Do

For people who hoard they don’t think it is a big deal, they think they are holding on to the most valuable item in the world and others may view the items as worthless. Hoarders have difficulty parting with possessions which lead to a mass amount of clutter that can affect their living and even work spaces.

Preparing for the Summer Heat: How to avoid fainting

With the heat of summer approaching, it is important to use precautions to prevent overheating which can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even fainting. With excessive heat causing difficulties in maintaining blood pressure, it is especially important for those who have trouble with their blood pressure already.

Determined to Declutter? These Tips Can Help!

Most of us have at least one area of the house that's designated as the catch-all for everything from our high school yearbooks and stacks of photo albums to boxes of clothes, tools, and assorted memorabilia that we may have a use for "someday". Garages, attics, closets, and hope chests were made for just such a purpose, right?

But what happens when "someday" never arrives, and those stacks of items are becoming more of a burden than a benefit? For older adults who've accumulated a lifetime of keepsakes, it can seem insurmountable to tackle the task of deciding what to do with everything through the downsizing process that so many seniors experience in later years.